Friday, March 31, 2017



Sweet Potato Flower Bun

紫薯 200g
糖粉 10g
牛奶 20g

(1) 紫薯連皮用水煮軟。煮軟後去皮,將紫薯壓成蓉
(2) 紫薯蓉放涼後加入糖粉和牛奶,用打蛋器混合及打軟,再放入擠花袋內備用

[ 圖中黃色蓉是椰絲餡,請參考雞尾包食譜 ] 

(1) 用麵糰 mode 做一般麵糰 (請參考麵包麵團作法),分成50g 一份,搓圓然後鬆弛
(2) 麵糰壓平後,用擀麵杖棍平至長方形,將麵糰向下捲起來至橢圓形
(3) 將橢圓形分割成 3 等份,然後將每份再滾圓
(4) 大姆指向一半的位置按下形成小孔,然後於沒端輕輕榨緊至微尖,另外兩份亦重複動作
(5) 將三小麵糰在尖的部位連起
(6) 在小孔上擠上紫薯蓉或椰絲餡,然後發酵大約40 分鐘或至兩倍大
(7) 放入預熱180度之烤爐內,烤焗15 分鐘

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

雞尾包 & 墨西哥包

Hong Kong Style ~ Mexican Bun
Hong Kong Style ~ Cocktail Bun



牛油 90g
糖 70g
鹽 2g
低筋麵粉 40g
粟粉 25g
奶粉 20g
椰絲 40g
水 20g


芥花籽油 5g
低筋麵粉 10g
糖粉  5g
牛油  10g

(1) 用Panasonic 麵包機 Bread Dough食譜製好一般麵糰,再分成 50g 一份,搓圓成球狀後鬆弛
(2) 將雞尾包椰絲餡的牛油軟化,放進糖攪勻後,再加入其他材料(粉狀材料要篩好)攪拌至「杰撻撻」狀
(3) 將麵糰滾平,放一隻大姆指般的椰絲餡於頂端,然後將麵糰向下捲起來至橢圓形
(4) 發酵大約40 分鐘或發大兩倍
(5) 發酵好之後先掃上蛋漿,再擠上2條墨西哥酥並灑上芝麻
(6) 預熱焗爐 170度烤焗15分鐘再轉一下位置用180度再烤焗4 - 5分鐘左右

[墨西哥包製法更簡單: 只是於第二次發酵後,麵糰上用擠花袋擠出徊漩墨西哥酥條紋,然後烤焗便成。]

Original recipe from:

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


用菠蘿mode 做菠蘿皮吐司都頗有難度,因為造型時間只有15分鐘,以及麵包機發酵時間並不足夠,我唯有用另類方式去加長發酵時間。

Panasonic 麵包機有一個功能專為我這種「手多」人而設,當麵包機運行中不小心按了「取消」制,可於10 分鐘內再按「開始」制便會從停止之前的部驟繼續。那10分鐘真的十分關鍵, 因為我用了造型那15 分鐘放進蒸爐多一點,再用偷來的時間捲起麵團,及鋪上菠蘿皮,才再按「開始」制。時間相當緊湊,要爭取每一分每一秒,動作亦要快一點。否則如果過了那10分鐘期限,麵包機便會從頭開始。

Strawberry Stawberry

牛油 12g
糖粉 15g
低筋麵粉 43g
草莓 20g

(1) 將溶化了的牛油和糖用打蛋器均勻攪拌
(2) 再將低筋粉篩好慢慢分多次拌入
(3) 最後加入草莓攪勻
(4) 將拌好的菠蘿皮麵團用保鮮紙包好,放入冰箱冷藏30分鐘

高筋麵粉 220g
草莓 85g
草莓yoghurt 25g
水 45g
砂糖 20g
牛油 20g
鹽 3g
酵母 3g

(1) 將所有材料加入麵包盤內,按麵包機菠蘿 mode
(2) 麵包機運行至「加工」步驟,麵包機會暫停15分鐘,此時將麵包盤取出放入蒸爐繼續發酵


(3) 當麵包機開始響起來,按下那「取消」制,便開始整型
(4) 將麵糰取出拍打到稍微扁平,然後桿成長方形,將長的兩邊向內折入再卷起
(5) 菠蘿皮由冰箱取出,將一邊的保鮮紙小心地拉開 ,用菠蘿皮包裹著麵糰
(6) 菠蘿皮上沾上糖粉,然後將麵糰於10分鐘內放回麵包盤內
(7) 再按「開始」制,麵包機便會繼續發酵及烤焗

Modified from original recipe: 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Ingredients analytics

As a typical accountant, I like analysing the set of contributing factors before drawing conclusions. Making bread is no exception.

Bao Bao Galore

Bread Flour: More protein means more gluten, and more gluten means a tighter and chewier bread. A flour that has between 10.5% and 11.5% protein content is more desirable for a softer loaf

Egg: A bread dough rich with egg will rise very high, because eggs are a leavening agent and the fats from the yolk help to tenderize the crumb and lighten the texture

Milk :  A dough made with milk will brown more readily than one made with water

Butter: Fat that is incorporated in bread dough will inhibit gluten formation. The resulting loaf will not rise quite as high as a loaf made without fat

Water: Water is needed to form the gluten and give the dough consistency. Ideal hydration for bread dough is roughly 68% to 70%. A recipe with 250g of flour would require at least 170 ml of water

Types of crust:
Crackly, shiny crust: This is brought about by steam. If you don’t have a steam injector in your oven, you are not alone. I’ve heard of lots of different ways to get a really good steamy, humid atmosphere in your oven: boiling water in a cast iron skillet in the bottom of the oven, throwing ice chips into a cast iron skillet in the bottom of your oven, spraying the dough with water before putting it in the oven—I’m sure you can think of more ways.

Soft crust: This is as easy as not introducing extra steam or water. Don’t spray the dough, and don’t make steam. Another way of getting a soft crust and also imparting some flavor is to brush the crust with butter when you remove it from the oven.

Golden, shiny crust: Apply an egg wash (egg and a little water beaten together) before baking, being careful not to let the egg wash get on the rim of the baking pan as this could, in essence, glue the bread down and inhibit a full rise.

Soft, sweet crust: brush with milk with a little sugar dissolved in it before baking.

Sweet, sticky crust: brush the crust with simple syrup or honey right when it comes out of the oven

Shiny, soft crust: brush the bread with olive oil before and after baking

Thursday, March 2, 2017


又是老公一聲令下要求吃菠蘿包,我便待在廚房一整個星期六下午,一邊嘗試做煲仔飯,另一邊嘗試做一些在「金華冰室」只售 $5 一個的菠蘿包!!(其實打完波後回家已經很累,我其實都算幾「捱」得!)我想我用那麼多時間去鑽研,發酵,造型等等 ..... 如真的用時薪來計算,其實這一個包的價錢應該比一頓晚餐還昂貴吧!

牛油 50g
糖粉 50g
雞疍 24g
奶粉 10g
低筋麵粉 100g

(1) 將溶化了的牛油和糖用打蛋器均勻攪拌
(2) 加入雞疍拌勻,再將低筋粉和奶粉篩好慢慢分多次拌入蛋漿中
(3) 將拌好的菠蘿皮麵團用保鮮紙包好,放入冰箱冷藏30分鐘
(4) 取出菠蘿皮麵團後,分成 8等份搓圓
(5) 取一份用保鮮紙包裹然後壓平備用

< 溫馨小貼士: 搓圓的菠蘿皮麵團應留在冰格內,整型時才拿出來,尤其在夏天,因為菠蘿皮麵團的牛油會溶化於手中,可能令包菠蘿皮時比較困難。>

(1) 發烤好的麵糰分成8份,搓圓後鬆弛10分鐘。
(2) 將一邊的保鮮紙小心地拉開 ,用菠蘿皮包裹著麵糰
(3) 在菠蘿皮𠝹上成格仔,放回烤盤上
(4) 預熱烤爐210度,烤焗10-12分鐘或烤至金黃色

Original recipe from: